Brewed Nature

A pound of Thoughts; A smidgen of Sarcasm; A quarter-cup of Concern; Two leaves of Bay; One Clove. Steep for days, constantly stirring with a branch of Oak.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

A Blog a Day?

by Lydia Daffenberg

Why Brewed Nature for the title of my blog? Many reasons, and some I'm still making up. First, nature is brewed, so to speak. Nature takes time, steeps in nutrients and brews into delicious sights, sounds, textures and smells. Second, to blog is to brew; stew in one's thoughts, then share one's finished cup of creation. Third, which is attached to my second point, I have this nature to brew, stew and think. Hence, Brewed Nature. So, it is high time I share my ramblings with other ramblin' folk. Welcome. Now, the only problem, what to blog about . . .


At 11:50 PM, Blogger CW FISHER said...

An auspicious beginning to a promising blog. Your metaphor will carry water.


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