Brewed Nature

A pound of Thoughts; A smidgen of Sarcasm; A quarter-cup of Concern; Two leaves of Bay; One Clove. Steep for days, constantly stirring with a branch of Oak.

Friday, December 17, 2004


by Lydia Daffenberg

Since everyone these days seems to have issues with health care here in America, I've been thinkin' real hard on how to fix the problem since our government refuses to.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could come up with a plan to help the middle-class who feel a burden from health care costs, the uninsured who continue on even in their needy ways, as well as doctors who've had their income-dream bubbles burst from skyrocketing malpractice insurance premiums? Heck, even the very rich bitch about the rising costs of health care.

An idea struck me. Why not start a national ad campaign that would give everyone a boost in the right direction? That's right, advertise our way out of it. Just like we do for bankruptcies, weight-loss, and spiritual freedom. We just tweak the system.

A Major, National, All-Inclusive HEALTH-couldn't-CARE-less ad campaign!

Why, who wouldn't flock to treatment centers with deals like:

Big Blowout Sale--Angioplasty--Everything Must Go!


2 for 1 Kidney Dialysis Treatments--Good While You Last!

And the ever popular:

Free AIDS Drug Cocktail Review--Offered at your local Wally-World!

And, these are just off the top of my head. Just scratchin' the surface. Tryin' to do my part. Just thinkin' . . .

But really, why not?


At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not really Anonymous--I'm Mike d--but that's not the point. It's true, Lydia, Capitalism is king. I find that most people in this country seem to have irrational fears about any sort of socialist political movements despite our social programs already in place, i.e. social security, public aid, unions(admittedly not as popular as they once were when people died for them)and the multitude of other government sponsored grants, low rate loans, and other financial assistance. Why are we afraid of taking care of people who can't afford it? Because--those who can't afford it haven't earned it yet. Yes. Mull that one for a moment. This disgusting, uncaring attitude pervades and keeps this country from being what the United States of Europe has become--socially aware, sympathetic countries of humanism and sympathetic understanding. It's no Eden, but we have to admit when a country ignores the health of its people and is more concerned with money and oil, then that country has shown its devilish side. It has proved that human lives are for sale at prices Wal-mart would be envious of. It's scary. It seems Marx wasn't completely wrong. The movie "Metropolis" is slowly coming true. It's scary. Did I mention this uncaring attitude is, yes, scary? Yea, scary.

Mike d

At 9:24 AM, Blogger CW FISHER said...

Excellent post, important forgotten subject: thank you.

At 5:16 AM, Blogger Lydia Daffenberg said...

Thank you, CW. Happy Holidays and good health to you and yours!


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