Brewed Nature

A pound of Thoughts; A smidgen of Sarcasm; A quarter-cup of Concern; Two leaves of Bay; One Clove. Steep for days, constantly stirring with a branch of Oak.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Gay Governmental Welcome Wagon

by Lydia Daffenberg

It looks as if the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy that was brought about by the Clinton Administration may be repealed. The 9,500 "outed" gay soldiers who have been discharged are now costing us a pretty penny in replacements. That's because many of these discharged homosexual soldiers were highly-trained in such areas as language skills (Arabic).

Of course, the real reason for considering a repeal is that we need soldiers. People aren't signing up for some reason.
Could be because we're at war. Recruitment of reservists dropped 24% in the last four months. So the government will vote soon on whether or not to change this policy and welcome gays into the military with open arms. After all, it's not that they couldn't perform their tasks well--on the contrary. It's not that they didn't want to stay in the military--on the contrary. But, as we all know, in war, rules change and morals go unchecked. Our government isn't willing to extend civil rights to homosexuals, but finds that a body is a body, and is willing to extend a new right to homosexuals: the right to die in war. Interesting double standard.

What an embarrassment for Mr. Bush. The president has made it clear that his religion has decided his moral stance on
gay rights in this country. Now, pragmaticism is outweighing his morality. Not wish-washy at all. Don't forget, all's fair in love and war. Except, in this country, not all's fair in the love between homosexuals, whereas all's still fair in war.

Perhaps, for gays in America, this will finally be the last needed step toward the door at the end of the long hall leading to their civil rights. Perhaps.


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It gives a whole new meaning to Uncle Sam's military recruitment slogan, "I want you."

Great point. I hope all gays recognize this (un)equal treatment and boycot the military all together. I'm still waiting for W to come out of the closet. This way to the great egress!

At 10:30 PM, Blogger CW FISHER said...

Great post, Lydia. I knew none of this. Sure they speak Arabic, but with a lisp.

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, CW, I heard this news bit on NPR the day I wrote the post, but interestingly, I haven't heard anything on it since. Shhh, don't ask, don't tell.

At 1:11 AM, Blogger Doug M MacClure the Nth said...

(I know Jon Stewart said it, but still...) I think the government is a bit afraid of tons of gay guys and gals with tanks and guns and the ability to be considered "brothers" with fellow gay-hatin' toothless good ol' boys. This is too equal. This empowers people that need empowerment. I mean (speaking from GWB's mind), 'that's just gay.'


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