Brewed Nature

A pound of Thoughts; A smidgen of Sarcasm; A quarter-cup of Concern; Two leaves of Bay; One Clove. Steep for days, constantly stirring with a branch of Oak.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Humanity in the Face of Tragedy

by Lydia Daffenberg

Our humanitarian alarm clocks are buzzing--time to wake up! Don't snooze past this chance--it's a big one! Donate some money, pause for concern. Enjoy your rally to feel because who knows when a catastrophic event, such as the Tsunamis, will strike again bringing ol' man Emotion out to lunch. He's usually tucked away in his easy chair in the retirement home. But, every so often, we remember him and decide it's time for a guilt-induced visit.

The death toll continues to rise and soon disease will feed Death dessert--as if he hasn't had enough already.

Food for thought.

A video clip of the destruction in action can be viewed here:

Friday, December 17, 2004


by Lydia Daffenberg

Since everyone these days seems to have issues with health care here in America, I've been thinkin' real hard on how to fix the problem since our government refuses to.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could come up with a plan to help the middle-class who feel a burden from health care costs, the uninsured who continue on even in their needy ways, as well as doctors who've had their income-dream bubbles burst from skyrocketing malpractice insurance premiums? Heck, even the very rich bitch about the rising costs of health care.

An idea struck me. Why not start a national ad campaign that would give everyone a boost in the right direction? That's right, advertise our way out of it. Just like we do for bankruptcies, weight-loss, and spiritual freedom. We just tweak the system.

A Major, National, All-Inclusive HEALTH-couldn't-CARE-less ad campaign!

Why, who wouldn't flock to treatment centers with deals like:

Big Blowout Sale--Angioplasty--Everything Must Go!


2 for 1 Kidney Dialysis Treatments--Good While You Last!

And the ever popular:

Free AIDS Drug Cocktail Review--Offered at your local Wally-World!

And, these are just off the top of my head. Just scratchin' the surface. Tryin' to do my part. Just thinkin' . . .

But really, why not?

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Grammatical Challenge #1 OR Short Shorts

This was once a final exam of mine in a creative writing class. What can you come up with?

The Assignment: A short story in the format of a one hundred word sentence.

Here's my take from way back in December of 2000:

First Class
Before I interrupted her lingering conversation with the man that scooted away backwards toward the door who had been in front of me (I pieced together bits of their exchange and wondered if ours would end up the same: friendly but congenial--at a safe distance), the woman behind the counter snapped her head back and gave out a chuckle which activated her auburn curls to bouncing on either side of her chiseled face, reminding me of my sister's prized porcelain doll that she use to dust twice daily when she was a child; "Some stamps please," I said.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Where Are the Gandhi's of America?

by Lydia Daffenberg

I recently watched the movie, Gandhi. I've wanted to see it for years, but finally got around to viewing it.

Perplexed and dismayed of our bleak, authoritarian position in the world, especially after the election, I now wonder: where is our Gandhi? Sure, we've had our Thoreau, ourAbbie Hoffman--but where is the leader for this era? The leader whom the two different parties can both follow--nodding their heads in agreement with his/her moral judgment? Where is peace, love and caring in America? And how can it be that, in a democracy--the most popular form of government in the modern world--there is such a great lack of morals?

Furthermore, how can there be an almost non-existent popular vote for a third party? A true democracy? Is that not what we, as Americans, tout? Have we all been hoodwinked? Are we too engrossed in reality TV that we do not see the reality of our own state of being in this world? Can we so easily ignore the hatred of the rest of the world, and its just cause? Who are we that we can wear such big boots? Can we fill them? Are our boots even made here, in America?

Civil Disobedience, take a number and sit and wait, please; amongst hypocritical philosophies halfway thought out. No need to dwell. We are all powerful Americans! Bow.

Is humility a dirty word? Is humanitarianism a long-forgotten ideal? What will it take for us as a nation to see our faults, admit to them, and attempt a change? Are we too embarrassed to admit to our follies? How can we start a grass-roots movement against our own government when half the country has been brainwashed by power and greed--fed by the Almighty Dollar?

When will we be disgraced? When will our dignity speak up saying, "Remember me?" Will it take a civil war to care again? A revolt against our government--a corrupt government?

What is murder if it brings wealth to the nation? Is it then considered necessary or fighting for FREEDOM? Has time changed our view of totalitarianism? Why do people not see the truth in our nation's actions?

We must all be androids who are programmed against humanitarian actions. We must not care about our fellow man. We must all want to have more and more for CHRISTmas every year. Above all, we must keep our dignity and be CORRECT. We must save face. Screw the rest of the world, for we ARE Americans. Our truth is THE truth. Did you even doubt it?

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